Rockstar Games announced this week that Red Dead Redemption is getting Xbox One backwards compatibility. Its been long awaited for this game to get the go ahead for Xbox One. In the two days since this announcement, there has been a noticeable increase in used sales and prices in the Ebay market.
The game to keep an eye on is the Game of the Year edition, which has all of the DLC included. I do not expect to price of the original to spike too hard. Comparing the price data of sales since the announcement, and sales from the month before, the price has only increased from $7 to $9. I expect $10 to be the spike cap simply because you can purchase it for $10 ($7.5 sale) from the Xbox marketplace. One thing to note is the drastic increase in sales. There as been 585% increase in sales in the past two days, compared to the last month. There was an average of 2.7 sales per day before the announcement and 37 sales in the last two days since the announcement.
The GOTY edition has a much more notable price increase. The price was comfortably sitting at around $12 average, and jumped to $19.5 avg in just the last day. Thats a 62% increase in price. When comparing only the GOTY edition sales, there has been a 230% increase.
This spike should plateau in a few days at its current spiking prices. I don't see this becoming anymore valuable in the very long term being a highly sold multi-console release. None the less, this is a great opportunity to replay this classic, and I always recommend grabbing a physical copy of the game. Check out the game's price page to see the recent sold listings and trends. Follow us on Facebook to get the latest news in price spikes.