HardBall II
Heroes of the Lance
Historyline: 1914 - 1918
Hollywood Hijinx
Hostage: Rescue Mission
Hudson Hawk
Human Race: The Jurassic Levels
Ikari Warriors
Indianapolis 500: The Simulation
International Open Golf Championship
James Bond: The Stealth Affair
James Clavell's Shogun
James Pond 2: Codename: RoboCod
Joan of Arc: Siege and the Sword
Kid Chaos
King's Quest
Knight Orc
Knights of the Crystallion
La Aventura Original
Last Ninja 3
Leader Board
Legends of Valour
Leisure Suit Larry 1: In the Land of the Lounge Lizards
Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (In Several Wrong Places)
Links: Championship Course: Bountiful Golf Course
Links: The Challenge of Golf
Lombard RAC Rally
Lost Dutchman Mine
Lost Patrol
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge
M1 Tank Platoon
Magic Boy
Manhunter 2: San Francisco
Manhunter: New York
Maniac Mansion
Marvin's Marvellous Adventure
Math Blaster Plus!
Mean Arenas
MegaTraveller 2: Quest for the Ancients
Mickey Mouse: The Computer Game
Midnight Resistance
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World
Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra